乔治·科帕克是视觉传达的助理教授 & 设计方案. His professional experience includes designing and creating media for The Cleveland Museum of Natural History’s educational outreach program, 从事各种IT和制造行业的技术写作, 新闻报道. He has had a lifelong interest in art, and his hobbies include figure drawing and portraiture. 他曾在高中教授游戏设计的暑期课程, 曾在学院的游戏设计课程顾问委员会任职, and continues to explore Game Design both as a powerful educational tool and a medium of artistic expression. 乔治拥有阿克伦大学平面设计学士学位, and is a Master’s Degree candidate in Cleveland State University’s Educational Technology program. George also holds an Associate’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Kent State University, 她是三c学院视觉传达与设计专业的毕业生. 查看作品集: www.behance公司.net/GeorgeKopec
丹尼尔·莱文的艺术经常探索多重真理存在的后现代原则. 过去的几年里,莱文的作品非常丰富.
他这次伦敦 《英国最大赌博365网站》在罗伊格林画廊.
莱文策划了广受好评的摄影调查小组展览 无常 在海茨艺术画廊.
He was awarded a Fellowship from the CJAC-Lab to make a film exploring creative thought entitled 根源:从盘子到突触.
Levin’s one-of-a-kind camera obscura was selected to be a site-specific installation on the grounds of the renowned Chautauqua Institution, 在学院的数字身份周期间.
最近, 他获得了一笔拨款,去国外拍摄一部关于制琴师的纪录片, 暗嫩温斯坦. 他的展览的开幕拉开了克利夫兰历史上最大的艺术合作的序幕, including institutions such as; The Cleveland Orchestra, 美国当代艺术馆和凯斯西储大学.
莱文偶尔会接受委托,创作环境肖像摄影作品. These commissions have taken him to over 40 states, to Switzerland, England, Mexico and Germany. Subjects include in part; Margaret Thatcher, John Glenn, I.M. 贝聿铭,芭芭拉,劳拉和乔治H.W. 布什.
苏珊娜·梅奥拉是视觉传达与设计助理教授. She has a Bachelors Degree in Fine Arts from the University of Akron and a Masters Degree in 视觉传达与设计 from Kent State University. 她的设计专长是品牌识别, advertising and package design with a specific interest in sustainability and the impact of design and product packaging on the environment. 拥有二十年的专业设计经验, 她通过为学生树立榜样来促进学生的学习和成就. Because of her constant study of new technology and explore design trends in the field of visual communication and design, 她可以回答学生关于这个行业的问题, 实际. Meola教授将课堂练习与实际应用联系起来, 比如按时完成任务和与市场团队合作. 另外, she has worked on and developed many collaborative classroom assignments within the college and the non-profit Cleveland community. 最重要的是, Professor Meola stresses that a designers’ primary job is to move business forward for a client; making client input and teamwork essential to a successful design project.
莎拉Morgenstein has a background in software development, web design and user experience design. 她于2001年获得克利夫兰州立大学软件工程学士学位, and later attended Tri-C to earn an Associates Degree in Interactive Media and Design in 2010. 2015年,她获得了肯特州立大学用户体验设计硕士学位. Sarah has worked full time and freelance for a variety of local companies including Progressive Insurance, 经销商轮胎和风流. She switched to teaching full time because of how much she enjoys working with students and seeing their successes after graduating from Tri-C. 她教授各种课程,包括网络出版1到4, 媒体设计和数字工作室基础. Sarah continues to occasionally design and develop web sites for local businesses and charitable organizations. 她特别喜欢在克利夫兰给Camp的经历, a volunteer organization that designs websites for non-profit organizations during a long summer weekend at Burke Lakefront Airport. Sarah的设计作品可以在http://sarahmorgenstein上找到.com/
Seong-Ae妈妈 is faculty coordinator of 视觉传达与设计 Department at western campus, 英国最大赌博365网站, 帕尔马俄亥俄州. 她是2015年优秀教学奖的获得者. 在她在trc任职之前, 她在西雅图的海岸线社区学院教书, 首尔大学研究生院, 德成大学和建国大学. 她还在克利夫兰的圣母学院(Notre Dame College)授课, and freelances on various design work such as info-graphics for Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance, 三c学院目录, The 国际 Foundation of Ewha University Project and The League of Innovation Publication.
排版和页面布局是她的特殊兴趣,她教以下课程:VC&D1000视觉传达基础,VC&D1200排版,VC&D1430二维设计,VC&D2301平面设计与插画, VCGD2230出版设计, VCGD2631平面设计工作室. She offers ongoing international collaboration project in various design subject with Design department at Korea National University of Transportation since 2005.
文成爱毕业于韩国首尔梨花女子大学,获得应用艺术学士学位. Her Master of Fine Arts is from The Rhode Island School of Design with an emphasis on Semiotics. Two books that were written and designed by her were selected for the University of Washington’s rare book collection.
乔纳森•韦恩 is a native Clevelander whose background in forestry and geology informs both his photographic and sculptural works. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts in 摄影 from the Cleveland Institute of Art in 1988 and his Masters of Fine Arts in Studio Art from the Maine College of Art in Portland 2008. 除了2011年创意劳动力奖学金, he was a 1997 recipient of the Ohio Arts Council Individual Artist Grant and the 2007 Maine College of Art Roderick Dew Travel Grant. He has also received a Golden Light Award for the Top 100 Photographers by the Maine Photographic Workshops in 1997. 自2003年以来,乔纳森一直是tric的全职摄影教练.
比尔Whetsel是视觉传达的助理教授 & 他教授游戏设计、3D设计和视觉传达. 比尔曾担任过设计师、开发人员、技术顾问和教育顾问. 他曾与私营企业合作, academic institutions and government organizations including; Hasbro, 克利夫兰艺术学院和疾病控制中心. He joined the faculty at Tri-C in 2003 where he developed the 三维设计 curriculum and more recently, 推出了游戏设计课程. 他拥有辛辛那提大学电子艺术学士学位.Ed. in Education from Cleveland State University and is an active member of the 国际 Game Developers Association. 他对设计的兴趣, Technology and Education stems from the belief that learning empowers individuals to invent their own future. 作为教育工作者, he continues to explore new ways to engage students using the framework of Game Design to explore creative design, 新兴技术和有意义的游戏.