Ellen Bratslavsky博士.D.
Ellen Bratslavsky is a full-time psychology professor at Tri-C’s Eastern Campus. She holds a Ph.D. 社会心理学学士和B.A. 凯斯西储大学心理学博士. Her areas of focus while in graduate school were self-control and self-esteem.
在获得学位后, 布拉茨拉夫斯基在俄亥俄州立大学任教, 凯斯西储大学, 约翰·卡罗尔大学和乌尔苏拉学院. 她于2004年加入Tri-C, 教授普通心理学, 普通心理学, 生命的发展, 老龄化概论, 人格心理学与社会心理学.
In her free time, 她喜欢和丈夫和儿子一起旅行, reading, watching movies, and baking.
ESS 2115
Kate Catanese, Ph.D.
Kate Catanese is a full-time psychology professor at Tri-C’s Western Campus. She holds a Ph.D. in experimental social psychology from 凯斯西储大学, and undergraduate degrees in sociology and psychology from John Carroll University.
自2006年加入tric以来, Catanese has taught courses 包括普通心理学, Social Psychology, 人格心理学, 人类性心理学, 生命发展与儿童心理学. She previously taught at 凯斯西储大学, 佛罗里达州立大学和圣里奥大学. Her specific area of expertise is social psychology of the self and belongingness.
Catanese与Carol S. 富兰克林社会科学讲座系列, the Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies certificate program advising board, 以及众多的教职员参议院和AAUP委员会. 她也是美国国立卫生研究院通往学士学位资助项目的前首席研究员和联合主任.
She lives in Cleveland with her spouse and their child. In her spare time, 她喜欢读书。, gardening, conducting genealogical research and learning Italian.
WSS G 226B
Alan Gerding, M.A.
Alan Gerding is a full-time psychology professor at Tri-C’s Metro campus. 他拥有东卡罗莱纳大学临床心理学硕士学位和理学学士学位.A. 凯斯西储大学心理学博士. 他在研究生院的研究领域是成人临床治疗和神经心理学.
Most of Gerding’s clinical experience has been in the North Carolina prison system, 为犯人提供治疗, 其中大多数人被判无期徒刑. He joined Tri-C in 2007 教授普通心理学, 生命的发展, 青少年心理学, 人格心理学, 和社会心理学.
MLA 108C
赫拉Harik-Williams has been teaching at Cuyahoga Community College since 2000, and has also taught at John Carroll University and the University of Akron. 作为克利夫兰人多年,她的成绩是B.A. 凯斯西储大学心理学博士, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Akron.
在西校区,Harik-Williams定期教授普通心理学和精神病理学. 其他课程包括人格心理学和医疗保健提供者的跨文化能力. 她定期在心理学俱乐部做演讲. Harik-Williams是一位热情的演讲者,他讲过与心理学相关的各种主题, clinical work, 多样性和多元文化主义, the education of college students and technology in the classroom at Tri-C, other colleges, national conferences and to organizations in the community.
她在大学咨询中心和私人诊所与大学生有几年的临床工作经验, where she specialized in the treatment of eating disorders. 她的临床专业领域包括移民和国际学生问题, 一般大学生, 焦虑的治疗, women’s issues, 还有饮食和身体形象方面的问题.
Her hobbies include reading, gardening, cooking, traveling and music. She performed with the Cleveland Orchestra Chorus for several years, but recently, hobbies have taken a back seat to her three young children.
WLA 224
考特尼·凯利(Courtney Kelley)自2009年以来一直在英国最大赌博365网站任教,目前是东校区的全职心理学教授. She holds a Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Bowling Green State University and received her B.A. 维滕贝格大学心理学博士. 在读研究生的时候, 她的研究领域包括儿童和青少年的攻击性和亲社会行为, 儿童和青少年的身体形象, 饮食态度和饮食行为, 以及学术动机.
凯利定期教授普通心理学, Child Development, 生命的发展, Honors 生命的发展 and 人类性心理学. 她以将热情带入课堂而自豪,并努力为学生创造积极的学习体验.
当她不在学校的时候, 凯利花时间和她的配偶在一起, 三个孩子和获救的金毛猎犬. She thoroughly enjoys doing yoga, listening to true crime podcasts (Criminal is the best), watching a good Netflix series, and eating Dr. 布拉茨拉夫斯基的烘焙杰作.
ESS 2329
Julia Krevans, Ph.D.
Julia Krevans has been teaching full-time at Cuyahoga Community College since 1994. 西校区开设的课程包括社会科学中的定量方法, 普通心理学, General Psychology, 尊重儿童的成长和发展, 儿童成长与发展, 生命周期发展, 人格心理学, 变态心理学.
Krevans earned a B.A. in Psychology, magna cum laude, from The University of Michigan; a M.A. in Psychology from 凯斯西储大学; and a Ph.D. 在俄亥俄州立大学获得心理学学士学位,主修发展心理学.
At Tri-C, Krevans担任心理学俱乐部和Psi Beta社区大学心理学荣誉协会的教师联合顾问, the Director of the Institute for Economic Mobility, a Founding Steering Committee member of the Robert L. 刘易斯学者学院, Co-chair of the Ohio Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference, trc IRB成员, Civitas研究小组成员, 以及学生成功委员会的成员.
克雷文斯的兴趣包括阅读优秀小说, 社会评论和新闻, 家装工程, and planning and taking road trips along the East Coast to visit family.
WLA B220
Jessica McLaughlin is excited to have joined Tri-C's Metro Campus faculty in 2019! Dr. 麦克劳克林获得了B.A. 她是格林内尔学院的硕士.A. and Ph.D. 韦恩州立大学心理学博士.
我住在底特律地区, she specialized in assessing and diagnosing children from low-income families. 随后,她在俄亥俄州担任兼职教授,后于2014年加入马里兰州蒙哥马利学院(Montgomery College)担任助理教授. 在蒙哥马利学院的五年里, she was the faculty adviser for the Psychology Club, helped psychology faculty incorporate open educational resources into their classes, 并获得了史密森尼学院奖学金.
麦克劳克林热衷于将社会正义问题纳入她的课堂, 重点是精神疾病的耻辱, 通过与当地小学合作,让学生参与服务学习.
MLA 118G
米歇尔·尼科波利斯博士.D., LPCC
Michelle Nicopolis, professor of psychology, has been at Tri-C since 2006. 在西校区. 尼克教授普通心理学, Psychopathology, and Cross Cultural Competency for Healthcare Providers. 在教室外面,博士. Nic is the faculty co-advisor to Western Campus' Psychology Club and the Psi Beta community college psychology honor society, a founding and active member of the Help Is Here 倡议(精神健康) & 预防自杀), 也是美国黑人委员会(BAC)和性取向与性别平等委员会(SOGE)的骄傲成员. Previously, Dr. 尼克协调了 Safe Zone program (LGBTQ+ education) and was faculty advisor to Lambda GSA.
俄亥俄州持牌心理学家和持牌专业临床咨询师(LPCC). Nic earned a Ph.D. in urban education and counseling (Cleveland State University), an M.A. in counseling and social psychology from Ball State University, a B.A. in communication, exercise/sport science and psychology from Hiram College, and a professional certificate in nutrition for optimal health, wellness and sports from Thomas Edison State University.
闲暇时间是和家人一起度过的, friends, and dog Lucy; volunteering (Make-A-Wish, 麦当劳之家, and more); traveling; exercising; going to concerts; baking; working jigsaw puzzles; and listening to '80s music.
WSS G 226E
David Paulik, M.A.
David Paulik, 心理学助理教授, has taught at the Westshore Campus of Cuyahoga Community College since 2022. 他目前正在辛辛那提大学攻读发展与学习科学(教育心理学)博士学位. 他持有Kent State University的教育心理学硕士学位和Kent State University的生物学学士学位(辅修化学和心理学).
David’s teaching portfolio includes General Psychology, 生命周期发展, Personality, 教育心理学, 和定量/研究方法. 作为一名教育心理学家, David的研究兴趣包括学生在自主学习过程中对学习策略的选择,以及探究影响学习的因素, 包括记忆过程和动机. David是美国心理学会(APA)等专业组织的活跃成员。, 美国心理学会第十五科(教育心理学), APA Division 36 (Psychology of Religion and Spirituality), the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and the Ohio Chapter of the National Organization for Student Success (NOSS-OH).
In his free time, 大卫喜欢与家人和朋友在一起, good food, 了解政治事务, 宠坏最好的狗, Milo.
SLT 227F
Stacey Souther, M.A.
Stacey S. 索瑟是英国最大赌博365网站东校区的心理学副教授. 她在托莱多大学获得发展心理学硕士学位,在海德堡大学获得生物学和心理学学士学位. She has been teaching psychology at Tri-C since 2004, 包括普通心理学, 变态心理学, 儿童成长与发展, 青少年心理学, 尊重儿童的成长和发展, 以及第一年成功研讨会. Previously, 她在海德堡大学教心理学, The University of Toledo and Owens Community College. Her areas of expertise are in cognitive development in infants and children, 特别是语言和感知能力.
Souther is actively engaged in a number of initiatives at Tri-C, 包括担任东校区的心理学协调员和教师发展协调员, 在多个学院参议院委员会任职, and facilitating the Dynamic Teaching Faculty Learning Community. 她是礼来学院和大学教学会议的大使和会议评审员, co-chair for the 2020 Ohio Association of Two-Year Colleges Conference, SAGE教学创新与专业发展奖评选委员会委员及候任主席, and belongs to the Society for the Teaching of Psychology, a division of the American Psychological Association.
In her free time, Souther chairs the Newcomer Council at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Cleveland Heights and enjoys reading, hiking, 和丈夫共度时光, daughter, two cats, 和她的马迈尔斯.
ESS 2322
Bhavna Thakkar博士.D.
Bhavna M. Thakkar是英国最大赌博365网站西海岸校区的心理学副教授. Thakkar获得了博士学位.D. 在孟买大学攻读社会心理学, 斯坦福大学的证书, and completed her undergraduate degrees in psychology and the Sanskrit language, 世界上最古老的语言.
她于2010年成为三一学院的全职讲师,并于2013年被聘为终身教职员工. Thakkar教授普通心理学, 生命的发展, Social Psychology, 人格心理学, 儿童成长与发展, 多元文化健康心理学, 变态心理学. 她的专业领域是社交, personality, health, 终身发展和积极心理学.
她是人力资源委员会的成员, 干部(课程委员会), 学生和教师指导计划, Learning for Life, 及图书馆委员会. 她还在鲍德温华莱士大学和斯坦福大学从事研究, 是俄亥俄州心理学会和全球最大赌博365网站组织的成员. Thakkar可以用11种语言说话和写作,喜欢在三c学院教授心理学.
SLT 225B